Raphael: Greetings. I am Raphael. This work provided to you is our unconditional gift to humanity. The awakening process of the individual is the single...
Raphael: Greetings. I am Raphael. This work provided to you is our unconditional gift to humanity. The awakening process of the individual is the single...
Raphael: Greetings. I am Raphael. In this time of change, certain individuals like yourselves will be the first ones to walk this path. Some of...
Raphael: Greetings. I am Raphael. You are receiving this work as we have made an agreement and a promise to deliver this unconditional support in...
Raphael: Greetings. I am Raphael. All lifetimes, all experiences of this lifetime, have brought you to who you are today. This very moment, the full...
Raphael: Greetings. I am Raphael. In the face of changes, there are many aspects that will support you. The single most important one is the...
Raphael: Greetings. I am Raphael. This work today is our gift to you. Our gift to humanity. This assistance during a time of change. A...
Raphael: Greetings. I am Raphael. This work that is provided to you today is an unconditional gift from us to humanity. We have agreed to...
Raphael: Greetings. I am Raphael. It is my duty and my honor to serve you today, through this vessel that we consider our host. In...
Raphael: Greetings. I am Raphael. You may have questions on the nature of our existence. The stories that you have been told. The recurrence of...
Raphael: Greetings. I am Raphael. In the face of challenges, the human mind has a tendency to assume it is punished, or [that] the obstacles...