Join Us for “Transmission and Q&A with Emmanuel: Conflict and Resolution”, Saturday, April 9, 2022

Join Us for “Transmission and Q&A with Emmanuel: Conflict and Resolution”, Saturday, April 9, 2022

In last Saturday’s transmission, we were guided through an extensive exploration of the theme, “Conflict and Resolution.”

Ahead of our Transmission and Q&A with Emmanuel tomorrow, we revisit and examine some of the wisdom and actionable advice from last week’s session as we prepare to venture into more depth on the subject in tomorrow’s exploration.

In the transmission, the guides lay out the purpose of conflict as a key element of evolution, our agreement as consciousness to experience it both within ourselves as well as in the external world, and how we may learn to move more effortlessly through what arises to find resolution, realization, and consequent expansion.

“Conflict starts within, through the unprocessed aspects of the past. It continues to manifest itself into this reality as part of the many unresolved aspects of individuals, of societies and previous generations. Conflict arises as it requests to be resolved. The only purpose of conflict itself is the ultimate realization and the resolution thereof. You have unitedly agreed as a consciousness to have this experience, individualized, as well as societies and civilizations represented on this Earth.”

The guides state that all conflict outside of us, begins within us, as the opportunity ground for transcending the past, and ultimately, for us to self-realize and evolve. And as we discover resolution for internal conflict, we experience the effects in our outer reality, both as individuals and as collectives.

“Conflicts resolved within will naturally resolve conflicts without. No conflict outside can exist without conflict inside, and as conflict inside is suppressed, compartmentalized, and drawn into a long journey of exploration, this reality will naturally manifest for you to support you on this continued evolutionary process.”

According to the guides, all conflict arises for realization to occur, and it seems reality continues to create “support” for us to evolve through the manifestation of outer events in our lives. From this perspective all conflict can be viewed as a gift for our expansion—so the outside world may mirror that which is asking to be resolved within us.

The guides go on to explain just how we can practice moving more steadily through our inner and outer conflicts, to find resolution, and in effect, alignment.

“While you may witness action to be the single most important aspect to impact conflict outside, it is truly silence — and seemingly inaction — it is an action much deeper within you, the actions of your consciousness to resolve all that you are into the greatest being that you can be, all that you are evolving into the conscious creator that you are, the individualized form becoming a single unified consciousness, evolving beyond the necessity to experience challenge to learn.”

While all challenge is for the benefit of our expansion, it would seem we are evolving to a place where challenge is no longer a required element of the process. Through finding silence, stillness, and neutrality, the “challenge” of processing misalignments becomes effortless. We begin to live a life of alignment.

“Your ability to process the past, the present, and the future, fully accessible in this very moment. And as the mind quiets, as the heart quiets, and the body settles, the ability to process increases.

And at some point in your deep presence, a resolution will emerge, a realization will emerge, and will naturally subside the thought, the emotion, the memory that has come to surface, and you will fall into a deeper alignment and into a deeper peace. Your reality will adjust accordingly, slowly, as reality manifests.”

As we drop into presence and create space for that which arises to be fully experienced, we allow for the transmutation of our inner misalignments to take place. In time, resolutions may lead to inner alignments which will be reflected in reality itself.

This topic offers incredible depth in how to perceive, and approach that which has driven all of human suffering and our greater collective reality. With this wisdom we are invited to open our minds, to shift our perspectives, and play a conscious role in this next step of the evolutionary process. To truly learn how to live a life of alignment.

We are excited for you to join us to go deeper still with the channel, and open this topic up to a dialogue with Emmanuel, where select questions from the audience will be answered.
The wisdom and the energy delivered was spectacular, to put it mildly. We do not expect the wisdom nor the energy tomorrow to be any less meaningful and impactful.

We are excited to welcome you to this exploration and look forward to sharing space with you tomorrow, this Saturday, April 9th, 10am, Pacific Time. Sign up FREE here!

Looking forward to seeing you there!
Asil & Ascension One team

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