Channeling – October 22nd 2017 (CSTS Conference – Shanghai)

Channeling – October 22nd 2017 (CSTS Conference – Shanghai)

Greetings, my name is Emmanuel. I come from a far place. To be here, is an honor. It’s a rare opportunity for us to speak in front of an audience like this. We haven’t interacted with humanity in this [way] for about two thousand years. There are reasons for that, yet here we are. We’re building that connection with the trust, the intention that we have, to assist in your evolution. We do come in peace. We are highly evolved and conscious beings that want the best for your evolution. We’ve existed for millions of years in your calculation, but learned from mistakes, ours and the mistakes of others. All of those encompassed into learning and growth, the grand evolution. Grand evolution of the one source, the one creator that feeds all of life in the universe, including yours. You see, we are from the same source and we will go, return to the same source eventually. What do we do with our existence, the gift, that has been given to us; how do we return this gift? How do we gift in return to the creator, to the grand creation?

Evolution, the evolutionary steps that we’re all going through, that you’re going through. They are [mandatory],  they are steps that you cannot change. These evolutionary forces are grand. You are part of the evolutionary process. You are inside of the evolutionary process, you have free will and choice, still. Yet, there is a way of existence that is going to be different, once you join in and dive into that evolutionary step. It is a consciousness evolution, it is an evolution of your spirit, of your soul, of your ability to perceive beyond the material, beyond the senses. Existence on that layer of understanding and consciousness is different. We would like to say it is an upgrade. It is, your moving [move] from one school level to another school level, if you want to see it that way. Life is precious, your gift of life is truly a gift of creation. The moment that you have in this existence, on this plane, is truly a gift. All experiences, including the ones that you seem to judge as negative, [are] tremendously valuable for your spirit and they are tremendously valuable for the grand consciousness. You can live your life exactly the way you would like to. It is by design a life of free will and choice. Pay attention, pay attention to the wave of energy that is coming your way. This wave of energy is beyond our control. There is a cosmic change, a cosmic change that you have all been perfectly aligned to receive. There are ways that you can prepare yourself for this change. You see, we recommend that you start that preparation on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. All that will need to be prepared. 


Your life environment is changing. You have to be prepared for it. That is your evolution. We’re here to support this evolution. We will do what we can without giving you the solutions to the problems that you have created yourself. Also, part of your learning is for you to find the solutions for your own problems. We will focus our energy on those that are driving the solutions, your societies forward. We will focus our energy on leaders, that receive, are focused on unification and the understanding of grand consciousness. That we are all the same, that we are all in the same boat. We will not give you prescriptions on how to live your lives, what to do and what not to do. 

That is truly up to you, how to decide and how to live your life. What we can do is give you our advice, our perspective based on what we think is probable to happen. We follow a certain route. You see, there are pathways that you can continue that would lead to your destruction and to the extinction of all life on this planet and it would be very unfortunate for us to watch this path happen and us specifically, we will not intervene. Yet, there is hope. We have hope for you and we have hope for your evolution. We believe that there is a group, critical beings, just like the ones here, that will carry the light and perspective and the connection to a higher consciousness forward, without the stories and the agendas of those driving it. Without the necessity for ego and your own perspectives. You can hold the light, you can hold the light, you can live holding the light inside of you. This is your biggest impact on your environment – is by holding your own light inside of you. Strongly. Nourish it, get in touch with it. You will feel it stronger and stronger going forward. This light inside of you will be catchy, it will get to others around you – your family, your friends, your businesses and they will start to feel the light as well. The light inside is not a prescription. The light inside is not an opinion. The light inside is not a decision. You see, it is in all of you. By design, it is in all of you. By design, we’re all here in this moment. 

I would like you to think about the questions that you may have about your life, about humanity, about creation in  this space. Some of these answers will come to you right away without speaking these questions. Some answers may not come to you right away. We would like to invite you to ask those questions, that don’t receive answers, that you perceive to be important for your life or for the greater good of humanity. 

Male Participant#1
The fact that we are sitting here together, did you mention it is designed by you? Is that right?

Not by us. By design of the greater existence. 

There are certain things in life that are designed and highly probable to happen. There are forces beyond your imagination and understanding, that are increasing the likelihood of certain events to happen, including some of you to be here. Let’s say there are forces working on your behalf. Yes, for some of you this meeting here has been planned.

Male Participant#1
You said, “it’s designed by us”. So it’s not one individual, it’s a group of individuals, is that right? How big is the group?

The size of the group does not really matter. We see ourselves as one collective mind. The way we think, the way we exist is in union. You see yourselves still in a separation. In counts of bodies, in counts of people. We don’t perceive ourselves that way. We have a consciousness that lives beyond your perception and beyond your imagination. Does it really matter how big we are, how many we are? I apologize if that does not satisfy as an answer for you. 

Male Participant#2 (translated from Mandarin)
How far advanced is your technology in comparison to earth?

You see, technology. You have created technology, so you think. We have merged with technology. Our biology, our consciousness and our technology have become one. We have existed for millions of years in your count of years. We don’t see ourselves separate from technology. Where will you be in millions of years? Think about it that way. Thank you.

Male Participant#2 (translated from Mandarin)
And do you still feel suffering?

Suffering, suffering is a concept for human growth. It’s an opportunity for you to learn. Suffering is not a necessity, it is your attachment to the pain, to the impulse that you’re feeling. If you stay in it for you too long, it will turn into suffering. The suffering is a wakeup call for you. We don’t perceive suffering the way you do, since we don’t have the senses, in terms of biological sense, the way you do. And our minds are in a collective, so to say. We’re individuals, yet, still all connected to each other. There is no desire, there is no want in that space. There is only the wish to join in on the evolution of the grand consciousness and support it, and the curiosity of all life existing in the universe. We see ourselves as researchers most of the time. Researching, understanding what it means to be alive. Everywhere that we can get to. I hope this satisfies as an answer to you.

Female Participant:
So what is inner self and what is consciousness, could you explain to us? 

Consciousness, great question. We have asked ourselves this question many times. Why are we here, why do we exist? And we still believe we’re searching for an answer. But maybe our answer is closer, since we have looked for it a bit longer than you have. Consciousness, the grand creation, the one source of all existence is in all of you. It is in all animals, trees, but also inanimate objects, that you perceive as mountains and rocks and [nature]. Consciousness is also in those. You see. Yet, you get the extra spark to be alive and see and experience the human body, specifically the human body in this time. What you learn, all of your experiences transform into learning and growth that return back through the grand consciousness, where it came from and it, in return, evolves and grows, so we believe. It has been growing and evolving much longer than we have existed, so we cannot really know the source fully. I hope this satisfies as an answer to you.

Male Participant:
Can you please elaborate for us this new age, Aquarius, this new age of enlightenment, this age of intuition, that we’ve entered into and where we are at now, moving closer towards, the one infinite source of all?

The times, that you are in right now are essential. It is a time of change, it is a time of awakening, it is a time of realization. Realization beyond the understanding of the material world, you see. You believe to have mastered the material world, but here you are, close to your [extinction]. The evolutionary step, that you need to go through is on a higher level, it’s on the spiritual level, on the awareness, on the consciousness level. And here is the difficulty, that some of these evolutionary steps cannot be understood with the cognitive mind. They cannot be explained in the words, that you have, in the vocabulary that you have, in the ways of communication that you currently have. So in some ways it is an individual evolution. Yet, you’re all evolving at the same time. You see, this wave of energies is impacting everyone. Everyone individually, everyone as families, everyone as countries, everyone as a human race. The awakening has already started. You are here. First responders. Maybe you have been on that journey for a while, maybe you are curious to start. But our hope lies with all of you, here, in this room and those that have started this journey already. We believe that you are going to be the beacons and the carriers of light for those around you, for your societies, for your families. The key is to understanding that first you have to be clear in your connection to that source. Untainted and unflavored with your personality and your ego and your judgements. Only then can you start sharing this light with those around you. Truly, unflavored, pure. You see, this is the hope that we have for all of you, that you are going to be the ones carrying this light inside of you forward. To your families, to your projects, to your companies and to your societies. We believe that your decisions will be different with this realization. I hope this satisfies as an answer, thank you. 

Male Participant:
My question is: As a civilization we have vast habits. Are there any habits, [bad] habits, that are blocking us from entering the grand consciousness. For example we have a habit of eating a lot of meat, a lot of animals. Is a plant based protein civilization one way or does that matter or not to enter a wider circle of compassion and empathy?

Your consumption is a side effect of your consciousness evolution. It’s a result of how you have lived to understand the existence of material life. It will change. But the first thing to change is the internal change that needs to happen in the awareness, the seed that needs to be planted. The inward focus of understanding that we are all the same light, you see. How and what you consume to survive and to live and to grow will all be effects of that understanding and on the level of understanding that you have. We’re not here to give you any prescriptions. It is for you to discover. You see, you have to find your way and you will now, when you work towards the light inside. I hope this satisfies as an answer.

Female Participant:

My question is about oneness, unconditional love and unity and the duality in the polarities of right and wrong, black and white. The Trinity, in my consideration, is it maybe the combination of this oneness, unity and duality? In a way, we should have unconditional love but sometimes we should have also have right and wrong, our own opinions and judgments rather than being totally in non-judgement. So i want to hear your opinion about this.*

Duality and non-duality. You perceive duality to be right and wrong, yet right and wrong are judgements, individually perceived, sometimes societally perceived. There is only combination – light and dark and everything in between. This is the material plane that you’re in. Duality exits. Your judgements exist in order to protect you and to give you an ability to survive in this plane. Here is the interesting part for you, those mechanisms of protection, those mechanisms of living in this plane, surviving in this plane are also the mechanisms that prevent you from growing up. You see, you are ready to perceive more than right and wrong. You are ready to see beyond the judgements that your mind creates, the judgements that you create together, maybe in the past have created in order to protect yourselves. It is time to reassess. It is time to consider that there is maybe a non-duality perspective that will help you in your evolution. 

Female Participant:

Thank you. Just to understand – so if our human consciousness ascends, we will be closer and closer to unity. I know that duality protects us in this material world, but we still wish for everyone to reach unity, as one. Is that right?*

Your consideration of duality is too strongly connected to your mind. Unity, beings in this room, you are already connected. In fact, there is no separation in the first place. You see, you are from the same place, you will return to the same place. You are just having a temporary experience. That understanding already is a non-dual understanding, for separation is an illusion. It’s an illusion, temporarily for you to gain experience and for the experience to feed the grand consciousness. This may not make sense to you right now, but it will eventually with a deeper practice of understanding the inward wisdom.

Male Participant:

I am a researcher and one way of doing research is searching again for what was once found. Yet, I can see on earth there is much waste of energy, resources and food and sometimes the research that gets funded is influenced by economics and maybe not helping. It seems there is some progress with the global collective consciousness around this. Can you please clarify your point about research and secondly what is the probability of us making it, what is slowing us down too much?*

Research from our perspective is very different than your perspective. We’re using this word for you to be able to refer to us as a species. Our curiosity, our intention to discover and understand beyond our existence – that is for us research. Search and search again and search again, to bring clarity and understanding. That is the way we define research, that is probably the closest common [understanding] we can have at this point. In terms of your evolution and probability to survive and thrive and where you are in your steps and how you can accelerate or decelerate: There [are] many forces at play here. There are not just us but other intelligent forms that are assisting so that the probability of survival and thriving is more likely, yet we have our own codes and principles on how far we will interfere and intervene with your decisions as mankind. You see, we want to help. But at which point is the help creating what we want, or you truly figuring that by yourself? 

Male Participant:
First, I would like to express gratitude for this connection that we have. (…)

You have stated that you had been in contact with humanity in the past and that there are many other groups. Is there anything you like to share, that seems relevant about the past connection, also the timing now and anything more about your position in this universe, so to speak, that could be of interest or use for us at this step of this evolutionary phase. 

Our interference with human history has not been always very good. Well intended, yet flawed by the human mind and the change in power and the results of that change in power. This is why we withdrew our interference with human existence but we left couple of seeds, planted clues, that you could refer to, to evolve. This is, for us new, to return and it was a major decision in the making, for us, to support you at this point. The support will look different around the globe. Some of it will be more subtle and some will be much more clear, the way you have it right now. There will be more channels like this, that we will work through to communicate the messages of unity and the one source. We believe that those messages will benefit you and your understanding and also in your search for the light inside. I cannot speak directly at this point to the interference of other groups in human evolution. Thank you.


Your presence is a gift to us. Sign of hope. Sign that we’re doing the right thing by supporting you. Please continue your path, please follow the light inside of you. Please connect to each other and create from a place of purity. Thank you.

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