Lion’s Gate 8/8 @ 8am PT Live Transmission

Lion’s Gate 8/8 @ 8am PT Live Transmission

“Certain energies and certain frequencies will become accessible at certain constellations” – Emmanuel

We invite you to join us for a very special Lion’s Gate live transmission at 8am Pacific time on August 8th with Asil and the guides.

The Lion’s Gate is a particularly potent astrological alignment because on August 8 each year, when the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion’s Belt, and the Earth all line up. The Lion’s Gate portal opens every year between July 28 and August 12 but August 8 is considered to be the official Lion’s Gate activation day.

During the Lion’s Gate 2020 collaboration with the Stargate Experience, the Elohim brought through a powerful transmission and message for humanity regarding our personal journey of evolution and our inherent connection to the evolution of collective consciousness.

We can only imagine how powerful this year’s Lion’s Gate transmission may be for our continued process towards self-realization!

Join us live on Facebook or YouTube! See you for the alignment!

Receive two free Lion’s Gate replay transmissions in your inbox, as well as invitations to upcoming special events and live energy transmissions by entering your email below.

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